Mandala: Sanskrit word meaning "circle"
Traditionally: A Buddhist spiritual teaching tool, used to help establish a sacred space, and as an aid for meditation and trance induction. For focusing one's attention.
The mandala has 4 gates facing the 4 corners of the world. Also depicts 8 Buddhas, 4 male and 4 female.
Tibetan monks and their sand mandalas
These particular monks came to visit The American Visionary Art Museum this past summer and during their week long visit they created this beautiful sand painted mandala. Upon its completion, they blew the entire artwork into the harbor.
Commonly: A generic term used to describe any plan, chart, or geometric pattern that represents cosmos metaphysically or symbolically on a micro or macroscopic scale.
Many mandalas contain the lotus flower in the center.
Tibetan Architecture
For many year in India, mandalas were the foundation for many buildings
Meditation, spirituality, zen thought, balance, intricate radial designs, circles
Sketches and Development...